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Gvbox - an answering machine frontend

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Gvbox is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For further information related to the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF), please visit the GNU website.

The goal of Gvbox

Gvbox is a graphical frontend to vboxd. Vboxd is part of the isdn4linux answering machine system. Incoming calls are processed and recorded by vboxgetty, and the daemon vboxd provides network access to the voice message spool directory. A client program is used to list the messages in the spool directory and to play them. Unfortunately, the client program included in the isdn4linux package - vbox - is a console based application. Here comes Gvbox.

Gvbox is a X-Window application written in C++, using GTK-- for the user interface. It's developed for Linux systems and currently it doesn't rely on GNOME.


2001/05/10 (CEST): New release Gvbox 0.4.0 with i18n support + RPM packages

Gvbox can be translated to different languages now, a German message catalog is already included. Also the usual amount of small improvements and bugfixes was done. If you experienced crashs with prior releases, you should upgrade. Very important for those who need it: ULAW audio format is now supported.

There are several RPM packages available, not only for Gvbox itself but for GLib, GTK+, libsigc++ and GTK--, too. These are mainly for SuSE since that distro still uses the obsolete RPM 3. If you have RPM 4 get your packages from rpmfind.

If you have really big trouble setting up a sufficient C++ environment for compiling Gvbox / libsigc++ / GTK--, try gvbox-0.4.0-1_static-c++libs.i386.rpm. Use this only as a last resort!

2001/03/05 (CET): Bugfix release gvbox 0.3.1 available.

This release fixes two minor bugs (some toolbar issues), and a serious one (unclean exit). Update recommended.

2001/03/04 (CET): Gvbox 0.3 is released yet!

This is an alpha version. Many planned features aren't included yet, but IMHO it already rocks!
Most important new features are a threaded vbox client and an easily extensible threaded playback pipeline, a new "Volume normalizer" filter already makes use of this new feature. As a side effect, the playback will be started immediately when the first data is received, resulting in RealPlayer feeling. It even works seamlessly over a 64k ISDN line!
See the ChangeLog for details.


You need a C++ compiler and at least GTK-- 1.2.4 to compile this package. The recommended compiler (and the only tested one, too) is gcc-2.95.3.

I also recommend installing the newest GTK-- version 1.2.5.
If you don't like segmentation faults, I highly suggest the installation of the new GTK+ 1.2.9, because there's a bug in older versions which is triggered by Gvbox.
Also you need libsigc++, but this is a requirement of GTK--, too.

The library libvbox is no longer needed. You must have an already working vboxd somewhere in your network, Gvbox will not help you on this. For playback you can use any Sun Audio (.au) player, I prefer sox.

Last but not least, you must have a working Pthreads implementation. Unfortunately Gvbox includes some none-portable code which is only guaranteed to work with the glibc LinuxThreads implementation. Any testers here for other systems?

Gvbox 0.4.0 screenshot: Screenshot of Gvbox 0.4.0

© 2001 by Daniel Elstner.
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions: daniel.elstner@gmx.net

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